With the constant advancing of medical technology, it's not surprising that a relatively new innovation has been made in regards to insulin pumping and insulin pump accessories. There is no safer and more beneficial gadget available on the market that makes life easier for diabetics. Insulin pumps are easily available through medicare and medical insurance, and are there to allow for accurate calculation and provision of insulin into the bloodstream.
Three particular accessories come with the insulin pump when it is purchased, that together allow insulin pumping to work properly and effectively. The first part of the insulin pump is the actual electronic pump. This electronic pump runs off battery power, and comes with both a processor and control panel located on the pump, so that it can function and be controlled by the user.
The second part of the insulin pump is the container. The container in the pump contains the insulin, and will be inserted directly into the pump so that insulin can be passed through. Once finished with, the container is disposed.
The last part of the tool for insulin pumping is the disposable infusion set that comes with the rest of the kit. This infusion set includes the tubing that moves the insulin from the reservoir, as well as the 'cannula,' which is the tube that is placed under the skin in order to deposit the insulin into the body.
In order to set up insulin pumping, you must make sure that the infusion set and reservoir are both completely sterile. This is incredibly important to ensure that you don't become subject to infection. Once you have done this, you can proceed to inject the insulin into the reservoir, and then put the reservoir into the electronic pumping device.
Once all of this is complete, the tubing that is used to transfer the insulin away from the reservoir must be assembled in order to allow the insulin to move from the reservoir, into the cannula and finally into the bloodstream. This is done by inserting the cannula into the area of skin that has been decided by you and your doctor, in the way that your doctor or clinician has informed you how to do so.
These three accessories will be included with your kit, which should be made available direct from manufacturers or through your hospital. You can expect to pay around $6,000 for one of these revolutionary devices, which when you consider the fact that medicare and your medical insurance will be able to pay for it, it seems considerably worthwhile. The device will allow you to inject the right amount of insulin with incredible ease, minimizing pain and taking away some of the fuss that might have previously been involved with your daily injections.
These insulin pumps are internationally recognized as being able to provide a much better quality of life, especially for those who suffer with diabetes. Compared to other devices available, the pump provides the safest transfer of insulin.
Frank Franchini is the developer of the mobile application "Insulin On Board" for the iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. This popular application allows those with Type One or Type 2 diabetes to track the amount of insulin remaining in their body from their multiple daily fast acting insulin injections. Learn more about this application and insulin pumping by going to www.DiabetesInsulinOnBoard.com
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert
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