Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Foot Complications on Diabetes its Cause and Treatment
Monday, July 25, 2011
Bee Pollen And Diabetes
Diabetes and bee pollen is not something you would normally expect to see together in the same sentence. However, bee pollen has positive effects for diabetes sufferers.
Before we discuss the benefits, I think a brief explanation of diabetes is needed for the people who are not really sure what it is.
What is diabetes?
Diabetes occurs when the body is not able to produce the necessary insulin required by the body which in turn leads to blood sugar levels rising to a dangerous level.
This condition is known as diabetes and it is chronic or never ending.
This is often described as a "lifestyle disease" as it is frequently found in people who are overweight, obese or who do very little physical exercise.
There is another condition known as pre-diabetes where some of the indicators of diabetes are seen, which can eventually lead to diabetes.
At this point diabetes is still reversible by people who make the right lifestyle changes, such as being careful with their diet, taking regular exercise, and controlling their weight - all of which are very important.
The US CDC states that pre-diabetes is estimated to be found in 79 million people in the USA which gives some indication of the problem.
The most common form of diabetes affecting almost 18 million Americans is Diabetes 2, which is itself not reversible. Statistics show that diabetes occurs most in people who are overweight and over 40 years of age.
Regardless of whether people are taking medication or insulin for this condition, the above mentioned lifestyle changes are an essential part of the treatment for diabetes.
This is where bee pollen comes into the picture.
Bees collect nectar from flowers, and at the time they are doing this they are also collecting pollen. This pollen is collected by it sticking to the bee's body and legs.
It is then mixed with some nectar and some bee saliva and this is where "bee pollen" is created. This is the food used by the bees which allows them to lead their incredibly busy lives, and to provide all the nutrients for growth.
This superfood is extremely dense in all the 96 known nutrients and comes with trace elements, enzymes, minerals and essential amino acids. This is often referred to as nature's perfect food.
There are many benefits that can be obtained from bee pollen but the following benefits are of particular interest to people with diabetes problems:
• weight gain can be controlled as it increases the metabolism and normalizes chemical imbalances in the body,
• it is a great source of anti-oxidants,
• it contains Nicotinamide that has been used in diabetes treatment and prevention,
• by boosting the immune system it helps with wound healing and fighting diabetes (Vitamins A,C and E)
• stamina, endurance, energy, and strength is increased (Vitamin B3 complex)
• physical and mental reaction is improved,
• and it relieves stress.
• also at only 90 calories to the ounce it is a low-calorie food giving a high nutrient value per calorie compared other sources of food.
You can see that this is a powerful addition to your fight to minimize the ongoing effects of having diabetes or pre-diabetes.
Combined with a healthy lifestyle this will increase your overall feeling of wellbeing.
How do I take bee pollen?
The easiest way to gain the benefits of this superfood is to take it in the form of supplements which will not only contain a measured dose but will be boosted even more by the added natural ingredients.
However, it is always best to make sure that you buy only from the most reliable sources, from places where there is a clean and healthy environment and the supplement is produced under the strictest manufacturing processes.
David Laurence is a long time advocate and researcher of natural cures for health problems. Visit his website now at http://bee-pollen-pills.com The products we use come from the pristine environment of New Zealand with excellent results. Be sure to check out our bee pollen benefits and discover more information about the benefits of bee pollen.
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert
When You Have Diabetes And No Exercise Seems Possible
As I was beginning my discussion on exercise guidelines one morning, I mentioned that walking was an excellent exercise. As I continued discussing the benefits of walking I noticed that a patient started shaking her head as if to say no and had a peculiar grin on her face. I looked at her and asked why are you shaking your head?
She responded, "Can't do it?"
"Can't do what?" I asked.
"Can't walk," she replied.
"Ok, how come?" I asked.
"It hurts my legs too bad. If I try to walk, I have to stop and quit after five minutes cause my legs hurt so bad," she answered.
"You might want to try walking somewhere like a mall where once your legs start hurting you can sit down and rest until they start to feel better. Then you can get up and walk a little bit more until they begin to hurt again. When that happens sit down and rest some more," I suggested.
Again, the patient starts shaking her head as if to say no and the smile appears. "Can't do it," she says.
"You don't think that might work?" I asked.
"There are too many smells in the mall and it bothers my asthma."
"Well it doesn't have to be a mall, any place where you have the opportunity to stop and rest periodically will do. How about swimming or water exercise, those are both good, particularly swimming?"
Again the patient starts shaking her head. "I can't do that either, I don't have a pool."
"Do you have access to a public pool?" I asked.
She shook her head no, while smiling.
"Okay," I said, "How about riding a stationary bike, that works for a lot of people and is a great exercise?"
Yet again she smiled and shook her head. At this point one thing was certain, that the patient could shake her head very well from side to side. If no other exercise worked I knew I could fall back on that one. "Why can't you ride a stationary bike?" I asked.
"I have hemorrhoids and it's just too painful," she stated.
I began to get the feeling this was all a game to her. It looked as though she was going to come up with an excuse to avoid doing anything I recommended. It wasn't funny, not to me anyway. It was actually sad. By now every time I suggested something the rest of the class looked at this lady to see if she was going to shake her head.
The patient, I believe, had pretty much convinced herself that she could not do any exercise due to her bad legs, asthma, hemorrhoids, etc. I think the patient thought she had some legitimate excuses not to exercise and whatever the consequences that resulted could not be helped. I couldn't let the patient leave class that day with that attitude. I had to at least try and change the way she felt about her ability to get some exercise.
After pausing a moment, trying to figure out how I could be the most effective, I walked over to the table where the patient was sitting and explained politely but firmly, "You have just got to move. You have got to figure out a way to move more than you have been. The more you move, the better your diabetes is likely to be. Granted it may be more difficult for you to become active, and you may have more obstacles to overcome than some other people you know, but remaining sedentary is not an option. That is, not if you want to improve your diabetes control and reduce your risks of developing complications in the future."
Orthopedic, cardiovascular or other limitations do not usually preclude exercise; it simply means they have to be more creative to figure out what they can do. In most cases, exercise is still possible, is strongly encouraged and is extremely beneficial.
Milt Bedingfield is an exercise physiologist and certified diabetes educator living in Tampa, Florida.
Milt has been teaching people about diabetes for the last 18 years. Milt also is the author of the book: Prescription For Type 2 diabetes: Exercise. His web site's address is: http://TheExerciseDiabetesLink.com
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert
Diabetes, High Blood Sugar Levels And The Detective
When your doctor diagnosed you as having diabetes, did he issue you your detective's badge right then, on the spot, or did it arrive in the mail a few days later? Oh, it doesn't make much difference either way as long as you start wearing it soon after you get it.
By the way, do you think people with diabetes should wear their badge all the time or only for two to three minutes immediately after eating? My thinking is that it should be left up to the person to see what works best for them.
In case you are new at this and don't know what I am talking about, let me explain. This is certainly something you will need to know about if nobody has told you already.
Let me test your current level of knowledge and then let's say we build on that. Have you ever watched any of the police or crime shows on TV? Of course you have, probably hundreds of them. It seems to me that they all begin about the same.
The scene opens like this. A cell phone rings, a shirtless man or scantily clad woman awakens from sleep and reaches over to the bedside table, switches on the lamp, and picks up the phone. All you hear is a one-sided conversation.
"Sanders"......pause... "When?"...another pause.. "Any witnesses?"... "Be there in 20 minutes."
The next scene: The sound of an approaching siren, lights flashing and an unmarked car screeching to a halt. (Of course it's dark out, it's three in the morning.) A partial view of a crowd standing around something, usually a dead person, also commonly referred to as the victim. You hear a slamming car door and see footsteps entering the picture. The camera pans upward. You see Sanders, now in some sort of a long coat, holding a steaming Styrofoam cup in his left hand.
A uniformed officer comes up. Sanders speaks.
"Hey Johnson, what do we got?"
The uniformed cop reads notes off his very, very, small note pad. "White male, approximately thirty - forty years old, found dead, laying face down in the street about 1:15 a.m. this morning, by this lady, Joan Doe, while she was out walking her doberman."
"Anything else?" Sanders asks.
"Well, some witnesses say the dog was walking her," Johnson states matter of factly.
Sanders turns his attention to the small woman, "How did you know the man was dead?"
"There was a chalk line around his body," she replies.
So you ask, what does any of this have to do with diabetes?
Does any of this sound familiar? I believe just about every police show ever written starts off with a murder being committed.
Then what? A detective appears on the scene, asks lots of people lots of questions, looks for clues, evidence, anything that would help the detective solve the crime, and then, just before the end of the show, with about 6 or 7 minutes left, the detective has enough information to solve the murder. So again, what does this have to do with you, a detective's badge and diabetes?
Every time you test your blood sugar and it's not what it's "supposed to be," either too high or too low, then a crime has been committed. What's the crime? A blood sugar that's out of range?
Whether it's too high or too low, it's dangerous. Lows are dangerous now and highs will cause serious problems in the future. In either case, the cause of the highs and lows needs to be identified.
I have told patients and emphasized to them many times, that if you check your blood sugar, find it to be too high, and respond by saying, "Whoa, that's a high blood sugar," put your meter away, and then go on about your business, then there is little point in testing your blood sugar levels.
Conversely, if every time you get a reading that is too high or too low you, figuratively, pin your detectives badge on your shirt and begin looking for clues as to what caused the high or low, then that is worthwhile, something that can lead to better management of your diabetes. I tell patients that the day they develop diabetes, they need to accept the role of detective.
Let's say you test your blood sugar 2 hours after breakfast on a Monday morning; you have just gotten settled at work, 227mg/dl. Hmm, not so good. You turn your work ID around to its back side, the side that's got the picture of the detectives badge glued to it. That's right, for the next several minutes you are not Jim the software engineer, you are Detective Jim. Let's get started.
You begin by asking yourself some very straightforward questions using the best Rod Serling voice you can muster, albeit in a hushed tone. You don't want the people in the next office to hear you.
"So Jim, why is your blood sugar level so high two hours after breakfast? What could have caused it?" There is a pause in the questioning as you think for a moment.
You answer yourself, honestly, as if you are under oath. "I don't really know," you say.
"Is it possible you ate too much for breakfast?" Detective Jim asks.
"No, I counted my carbs, only had about 50 grams, 60 at the most, which is on my meal plan."
"Well tell me," continues Detective Jim, "did you happen to check your blood sugar before breakfast, and if so what was it?"
"As a matter of fact, I did, and it was 180mg/dl."
"So, actually, what you're telling me is that your blood sugar was high when you sat down to eat."
"Yes, sir."
"Don't call me sir unless you want me to call you sir."
"Ok, that is correct, my blood sugar was high before breakfast."
(Imagine how Rod Serling's voice would sound when he has just figured out something and apply here, well, the next sentence.)
"So if it was high before breakfast, isn't it likely that it would be high after breakfast, even if you ate the right food?"
"Well, yeah."
"So, now we know why you were high after breakfast, because you were already high before breakfast. Now the direction of the investigation needs to turn to look at why the blood sugar level was elevated before breakfast."
"Let's go back about two hours from when you woke up. What were you doing?"
"Ok, how about two hours before that."
"Still sleeping."
"And finally, two hours before that."
"I had just gone to bed."
"What you are saying then is that you were sleeping for six hours just prior to waking up. Is there anyone that can verify that you were sleeping for six hours before you woke up?"
"Yes, my wife."
(If you are going to be a good detective, you can't be afraid of asking the tough questions.)
"The reason I asked that is because if you were to get up and go to the bathroom sometime during the night and on the way back to bed you stopped by the kitchen for a glass of milk, or an Oreo, or two, or sometimes even three, then you can expect to have a high morning blood sugar."
"No, I never eat anything in the middle of the night unless my blood sugar goes down too low."
"Ok, is it possible you forgot to take your diabetes medication last night?"
"Let's see, I'll tell you what happened. I took one of my diabetes medications but not the other one because I ran out."
"What is the name of the medication you did not take and how much are you supposed to take?"
"Metformin, and I take 1000mg's with dinner."
"We may have just solved the crime! Missing that evening dose of medication may be the cause of your high blood sugar before breakfast. Missing one dose of a medication is sometimes all it takes to allow your blood sugar levels to become elevated.
Just to be thorough, let me ask just a few more questions. Did you have a snack just before you went to bed?"
"No, not last night."
"Did you eat later than usual, or did you eat more than usual?"
"Well, both, I ate about 2 hours later than I usually do, and I ate more than I usually eat.
Some friends of ours were in town that we had not seen in about 15 years since we moved from Seattle to Tampa, so we could be near my daughter, Madeline, who is almost 27 now and is married with 4 lovely children, ranging in age from 2-7. They are the cutest things and I tend to spoil them. We went out to dinner with them and I think we ate too much."
"First of all, just the facts sir, save the gushy stuff for your friends. Please don't go off like that again."
"I'm going to close your case now. My report will indicate that your elevated blood sugar after breakfast was primarily caused by your elevated blood sugar before breakfast that is likely the result of two to three factors:
-missing your evening dose of metformin
-eating later than usual, and
-eating more food than usual.
"I feel terrible, so guilty," you whine.
"Don't, just learn from this investigation and do better next time."
"Ok, it's a deal, thanks for not being too hard on me, Jim."
"You are quite welcome. It's been a pleasure investigating your case. See you next time your blood sugar is too high. Bye now."
You flip your badge over, back to being Jim the Software Engineer.
I am going to speculate that well over half of the time, probably three quarters of the times that a patient has elevated blood sugar levels above what they should be or below what they should be, if that patient plays detective for a couple of minutes, looking for clues that may have caused the high or low, they will be able to figure it out.
Once this is done, the patient may be able to say something like, "After playing detective with my blood sugar readings for about a month, I noticed that about 80 percent of my high blood sugars were the result of apparently eating too much dinner. Once I started eating less at dinner, my blood sugar levels and HbA1C improved dramatically
In summary, the motivated patient can then initiate steps to prevent the same problem from occurring in the future.
Milt Bedingfield is a certified diabetes educator and exercise physiologist living in Tampa, Florida. He has been teaching people about diabetes for 18 years. Milt is also the author of a new book entitled: Prescription For Type 2 Diabetes: Exercise.
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert
How to Make Tasty Diabetic Friendly Dishes: Mandarin Orange Chicken Salad and Chicken Artichoke Soup
If you are diabetic, or you cook for someone who is, these recipes are sure to be a hit. These are not diabetic recipes, per sey, but they are something you can prepare for the whole family or group without having to prepare something extra for the diabetic. Less work for you and no worries for the diabetic; now what could be better?
Type 2 Diabetes - Noninvasive Blood Glucose Monitoring
Besides the obvious inconveniences associated with being a Type 1 or Type 2 diabetic, such as constantly monitoring what and when you eat... the biggest of them all has to be monitoring your blood sugar levels. The thought of having to consistently pull out your meter in order to take a sample is bad enough, but no one ever enjoys having to prick their skin. The development of noninvasive or no-stick blood glucose monitoring is changing that...
Noninvasive monitoring means that there is no need to stick the skin in order to retrieve a blood sample. This is not only good news from a pain standpoint, but any diabetic will tell you that, over time, constant sticking will lead to scar tissue forming on their fingers. This then makes it much more difficult to get a sample and requires sticking the skin harder and deeper.
While standard glucose meters have their own level of accuracy, they can be quite a challenge to keep up with. There are so many variables that go into whether or not a reading is as accurate as it could be. The slightest factor can have a negative effect on whether or not you receive an accurate reading.
Some of the factors that come into play involve the meter itself. Of course, there are times when you get what you pay for. Factors include:
the age of the meter,whether or not it is within calibration, andthe age of the test strips themselves will also matter,the amount and quality of the blood sample,cleanliness of the meter and the strips, andeven temperature and humidity levels
all make a difference.
Noninvasive devices on the market incorporate their own technology in order to get a sample. So, how can they check your blood without actually drawing blood? Well, it almost sounds like something out of a science fiction movie. A few use a light beam in order to penetrate the skin to retrieve a blood reading. Other companies are implementing research and development to come up with their own unique branding methods to make the job of sampling easier, and less painful.
Currently, there are companies working on models that use everything from infrared radiation, ultrasound waves, and radio waves to secure a sample. Others are using a different form of science such as testing the thickness of fluids in the tissue beneath the skin. All have the common goal of one day being lancet free. Now, that's good news for all diabetics.
To discover answers to questions you may be asking yourself about Type 2 Diabetes, click on this link... Natural Diabetes Treatments
Clicking on this link will help you to learn more about Type 2 Diabetes Solutions... Beverleigh Piepers RN... the Diabetes Detective.
Beverleigh Piepers is the author of this article. This article can be used for reprint on your website provided all the links in the article are complete and active. Copyright (c) 2010 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert
There Are Ways and Means to Lower Blood Sugar and Beat Diabetes
It's true there are striking ways and means to lower blood sugar successfully and keep a balance of diabetic sugar levels in the blood cells. But sometimes the hidden risk factor that causes diabetes is not fetched for understanding to many to beat diabetes. This may perhaps be due to overlooking mindset of the person to ignore the warning symptoms of diabetes. The reluctance in paying attention on probable signs of blood sugar is likely to cause diabetes complications in the days to come. If you are suffering from diabetes, then you should have a mindset to accept the lifestyle changes with main concern to food habits.
The incidence of being prone to diabetes may be taken by you for a fatalistic occurrence in your life. But it shows that you are a pessimistic. You might even feel sensitive as if you are going a long way trapped with interminable medication for the rest of your life. But whatever may be the case, there are definite ways of controlling blood glucose.
What you can do right now is to go back to reset your mindset on thoughts about diabetes so that you find a good solution to control and lower blood sugar levels. That way, you can live healthier with regular monitoring of blood sugar levels.
It may not be possible for you to lower sugar levels without changing your lifestyle totally when you are sustained to diabetes. Going for drugs or medication is of course the immediate solution for controlling sugar levels. Be sure, medications cannot be the end but only means to the end to beat diabetes. By changed lifestyle you can maintain lower levels of blood sugar to your anticipation.
Change of lifestyle implies change of eating habits. You are therefore recommended to look forward to choosing foods that lower blood sugar. Choosing foods high in fiber and activities that keep your pancreas in good functioning can be of great help to keep sugar readings within optimal levels. Many people have won the battle of overcoming diabetes with these two choices. By doing so, you need not have a complex feeling of being a 'diet dependent diabetic'. Instead, you can be proud of managing diabetes with normal levels of blood sugar without much concern for medication.
As such, the single effort you can take is to choose the right foods to eat and avoid foods not to eat for diabetics.
Start controlling blood sugar which is really an art. If you want to be an expert and safe, you should keep up with good foods for diabetes AND diabetic foods to avoid.
Varadharajan R is the author of this article. This article can be used for reprint on your website provided all the links in the article should be complete active.
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert
How to Beat Type 2 Diabetes - Three Essential Keys to Your Good Health
Kate was a hard-working stockbroker. She worked long hours sitting at her computer and regularly took work home. Because of her busy lifestyle, she "didn't have time" for any form of sport or exercise and existed mainly on fatty takeaways and fast foods. Breakfast was usually coffee and toast.
Her lifestyle eventually caught up with her. She put on weight around the waist and could not fit into her favorite jeans. She also became very tired and noticed an increased thirst. On the advice of both parents, she reluctantly visited her doctor. Her blood pressure at 135/85 was very high for her age and further tests revealed high LDL
Poor Drinking Water: A Cause of Diabetes
The serious disease of diabetes accounts for 1 out of every 10 dollars spent on health care today. In fact, nearly 2 million people are newly diagnosed with the disease each year and that amount has been steadily increasing since 1980. The number of diagnoses is expected to rise, due to today's environment of fast food and processed snacks. However, there are many factors that can contribute to diabetes. It is common knowledge that poor diet habits and obesity can cause diabetes, but for some, their drinking water at home may be responsible.
There are unique chemical properties in poor water that may lead to diabetes type-2. In certain sources of water, the chemical arsenic is not filtered out properly and is ingested at high amounts. Arsenic can lead to diabetes by causing intracellular stress in the pancreas, making it difficult for proper glucose transportation to occur in the body.
Multiple studies have shown a strong link between the chemical and diabetes. Animals were given varying levels of arsenic and the effect of the metal on their blood glucose was examined; the group with higher amounts of arsenic showed a significantly higher level of blood glucose than those who had lower amounts. These results were reaffirmed by a Johns Hopkins study showed that risk for diabetes is three times higher for those with high arsenic content in their urine than those who show minimal amounts.
Although some may disregard the threat of arsenic due to their seemingly clean water, it is virtually impossible to detect the metal through taste, odor, or color. In fact, during ancient times, arsenic was used to poison unsuspecting enemies, who would not realize they were poisoned until the brink of death. Although the amount of arsenic in a glass of contaminated water is much less concentrated than a poisonous dose, it is still enough to pose serious health risks.
Along with other metals such as lead, arsenic consumption drastically raises the chances of other health issues and diseases over long periods of time. Arsenic has not only been linked to diabetes type-2, but also cancers of the skin, lungs and kidneys, as well as other serious problems such as cognitive development and pancreatitis.
Arsenic content tends to be highest in areas or neighborhoods that use private wells, but groundwater supply can be naturally contaminated in certain areas as well. The Southwest region of the United States contains the high levels of arsenic, but there are various regions throughout the United States that are affected as well.
To find out if your water contains high levels of arsenic, you can have a sample tested by your local municipality for a cheap price. If the results are positive for high arsenic content, you should immediately install a whole-house water filtration system.
A filtration system will serve to prevent arsenic from reaching you or your family while eliminating other dangerous metals such as lead, mercury, or copper. You will reduce your chances of developing health problems due to these dangerous toxins and stay healthy and hydrated at the same time. If good health is a priority to you and your family, make sure your drinking water is arsenic-free and safe to prevent diabetes.
Charles Brown works as an analyst for the Water Team. He does most of his work online through articles and forums in helping people solve their water problems. He specializes in "hard water" treatments and water contamination.
For more information on the best water filtration system available for you and your household, visit http://www.puriteam.com.
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert
Natural Treatment for Diabetes Cam Help to Improve Diabetics' Health
This article examines natural treatment for diabetes to keep this illness under control and possibly reverse it.
What is Diabetes?
The diabetes is a metabolic alteration which occurs when the glucose in the blood exceeds normal levels (hyperglycemia) causing a deficiency of insulin. The term "glycemic" refers to the glucose circulating in the blood with normal values ranging between 70 and 110 mg / dl. An increase in these baseline values above 120 mg / dl in three successive controls, is indicative of a diabetic condition.
There are two different forms of the disorder:i.e. insulin-dependent diabetes or Type I diabetes and non-insulin dependent or Type II diabetes. In the first case, we are faced with a disorder that affects individuals who are affected since a young age, and who show emission of copious amounts of urine,excessive thirst, weight loss and fatigue. The first manifestation of type I diabetes is called ketoacidosis, the clinical situation that occurs when, in the absence of insulin, the body begins to use massively fatty acids for energy and ends up by generating toxic products, the so called ketone bodies.
The type II diabetes, generally occurs after 40 years of age, especially in people with overweight problems. Non-insulin dependent diabetes develops slowly and is associated with resistance from the peripheral tissues to the action of the insulin hormone.
Nutrition for Diabetes The diet of a diabetic must be strictly with a low-glycemic index and should be based on an adequate intake of whole grains (either in grains and flakes, with the exclusion of rice, except basmati rice). The fibers are very good for diabetics, because they lower the fat in the blood and help to achieve a feeling of satiety: you can eat wheat, barley, oats, legumes and vegetables.
Avoid saturated fats such as butter, milk, eggs and fat meat, which clog the arteries. A good recommendation is to reduce the consumption of protein, salt, candy and to increase your intake of garlic, onions, leeks, scallions, lettuce, cruciferous vegetables, potatoes, avocados, seeds of Greek hay, lotus seeds, cinnamon, juniper berries, black pepper, alfalfa sprouts, ginger, coriander, lavender, lemon, marjoram sweet orange. Rosemary is useful to take control of blood glucose fluctuations.
Phytotherapy as a Natural Treatment for Diabetes
The herbal remedies are useful only for type II diabetes, since the type I diabetes requires insulin replacement therapy and herbal preparations may interfere with it. Together with a low sugar diet and regular physical activity, it is useful to use the Eucalyptus globosusMorus nigra (in the form of tincture, 20 drops, 3 times a day between meals), Vaccinium myrtillus (with the same doses of the previous remedy) and Juniperus communis (1 DH Gems, 40 drops 2 times a day, away from meals). Chamomile (Matricaria recutita L) is always appreciated for its soothing capabilities -Chamomile has anti-inflammatory, healing, antispasmodic, anti-allergic and antibacterial properties - It is mainly calming, but it can also be used to adjust the level of sugar in the blood.
Essential Oils
The essential oil of eucalyptus, which is extracted by steam distillation and has a yield estimated at around 1 liter of essence for 50 kg of leaves, is advisable. The essential oil of geranium is also excellent.
The diabetes is fought with homeopathy through a comprehensive approach that also prevents complications. Among the homeopathic remedies there are:
Carboneum sulfaturum CH 7 (5 grains 1 to 3 times a day), sulfur carbon which is suitable for the treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy characterized byneuralgia, cramps, paresthesia and hypoesthesia;
Phosphoricum acidum 9 CH (5 grains per day), it is a treatment that should be reduced in relation to the improvements;
Phosphorus 9 CH (5 grains, 3 times a week), white phosphorus is a valuablecomplement to conventional therapies of diabetes.
Traditional Chinese Medicine In traditional Chinese medicine, diabetes is identified with the term xiaoke, which indicates a state of decay and thirst, and can be traced both to endogenous causes, such as hereditary factors, and to exogenous causes, such as a wrong diet. In all cases, diabetes causes an alteration of the functionality of the Lungs, Stomach and Kidneys. Chinese Medicine has identified some acupuncture points whose stimulation is useful for toning the Yin and controlling symptoms such as hunger, thirst, polyuria, weight loss and digestive disorders:
FEI SHU (located at 1.5 cun lateral to GV 1 to the side of the third thoracic vertebra spine apophysis), regulates lungs and clears Heat;PI SHU (located at 1.5 cun lateral to GV 6, to the side of the eleventh thoracicvertebra spine apophysis), regulates the blood and is the main point for allSpleen problems;SHEN SHU (1.5 cun lateral to GV 4 to the side of the second lumbar vertebraspine apophysis), regulates and tones the Kidneys;ZU SAN LI (posterior and inferior to the external malleolus, directly below UB 60, lateral to the calcaneum at the junction of the red and white skin) thatregulates and tones the stomach and spleen;GE SHU (1.5 cun lateral to GV 9, to the side of the seventh thoracic vertebra Mspine apophysisa), useful for all Blood related conditions
Exercise for Diabetes The movement is the first enemy of diabetes. Remember that it is essential to walk 30 minutes a day, during lunch, or to buy an exercise bike to use at home for an hour after returning from work and for those who get a chance, go to the gym, pool or park to play exercises consistently throughout the week.
Exercise is the best remedy for a widespread tendency to a sedentary lifestyle, which is the main cause of diabetes type II. To obtain more benefits you should bring the physical activity to 60 consecutive minutes, carried out with an average intensity exercise. Aerobic exercise (eg walking, cycling, swimming) should be supplemented by strength exercise (weight training exercises), along with exercises for flexibility. Exercise will transform intentions into actions and is an is an indispensable tool to begin to feel better, by removing the traditional sense of fatigue felt by people with diabetes.
Conclusions If you suffer from Diabetes, do not rely only on medicines. Natural Treatment for Diabetes exists and can be very beneficial
Max Peace is a Computer Consultant who has become very interested also in natural health matters.
He believes that many common illnesses and health problems can often be healed in a safer and better way by using natural health and better lifestyle methods.
Some results of his investigations can be found in the blog http://www.HowToBeWell.info.
You can read much more on Diabetes Natural Treatment from the Reversing Diabetes guide.
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert
Type 2 Diabetes - What Does Periodontal Or Gum Diseases Have to Do With Diabetes?
Forget rush hour traffic: nothing's more frustrating than doing all of the "right things" for Type 2 diabetics... exercising, eating healthy, and de-stressing... and having blood sugar levels that won't budge. If this sounds like you, it may be time to look inside your mouth for the answer to your out of control blood sugar levels.
Research conducted by the International Association for Dental Research found diabetics who aggressively treated gum disease had lower blood sugar levels and fewer incidents of diabetic complications than those that let various gum diseases ravage their mouths. Going after periodontal (gum) disease saved an average of $2,400 per patient, the researchers note.
What is Periodontal Disease and What Does It Have to Do With Diabetes?
Periodontal disease is one of the most common oral health problems in the United States. It's caused by bacterial infections in your gums. Scientists have long known about the link between gum diseases and diabetes... diabetics are at much higher risk than non-diabetics. However, most of them thought that diabetes raised the gum disease risk. That's because the bacteria in your mouth love to feed on the excess blood sugar diabetics have lying around. But now it looks like diabetes and gum disease is a two-way street.
That's because periodontal disease causes two things... inflammation and insulin resistance... they are the last two things someone with Type 2 diabetes needs. Any type of illness caused by an infection boosts your body's levels of inflammation. This is actually quite normal as inflammation helps your body combat invaders and repair. However, for diabetics who already have through-the-roof inflammation levels, an infection can wreak havoc.
And nowhere is more affected than your body's blood glucose metabolism. Inflammation directly interferes with the insulin receptors on your cells, making insulin less effective.
Here's how you can stop gum disease from impacting your blood sugar levels:
1. Oral Hygiene: Basic oral hygiene like brushing and flossing goes a long way towards reducing periodontal risk.
2. Seek Help: If you have red, sore or bleeding gums, it's time to see your dentist. Only he or she can help get rid of your gum disease and get your blood sugar back to normal.
3. Vitamin D: Studies show people who get enough vitamin D have lower rates of gum disease. Vitamin D helps decrease gum inflammation and makes your gums more resistant to bacterial assault. You can get vitamin D from sunlight or by eating vitamin D-rich foods like fatty fish and dairy products.
To discover answers to questions you may be asking yourself about Type 2 Diabetes, click on this link... Natural Diabetes Treatments
Clicking on this link will help you to learn more about Type 2 Diabetes Solutions... Beverleigh Piepers RN... the Diabetes Detective.
Beverleigh Piepers is the author of this article. This article can be used for reprint on your website provided all the links in the article are complete and active. Copyright (c) 2010 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert
Type 2 Diabetes - An Immediate Risk for Diabetics: Dizziness
Feeling dizzy is never a good sensation. Unfortunately, both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics have to encounter this irritating, and sometimes debilitating symptom as a result of their condition. However, when diabetics take the proper measures, they greatly reduce the possibility of having to go through one of these episodes.
Whenever you are talking about dizziness, you are referring to your body's equilibrium becoming affected. Within the body, the central nervous system is the major controlling factor of its equilibrium. This system is made up of many different parts, from the inner ears and the eyes, to skin and joints. So when you take a close look at the central nervous system of a diabetic, you can see how it can become easily affected by diabetes.
When a diabetic becomes dizzy, it means some aspect of their central nervous system has been thrown off. This is called cellular degeneration and can be accomplished by any number of factors. Some of the most common factors are:
hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar levels, andhypoglycemia, or low blood sugar levels.Regardless of how the reaction is formed, the end result is it manifests into varying levels of blood sugar which is interpreted as a dizzy feeling.
With hyperglycemia, the body is not able to use glucose properly due to low insulin levels. Although the brain does not need insulin in order to use glucose, the rest of the body does. Sugar levels rapidly build in the blood which results in metabolic responses being initiated. Some of these responses directly affect balance. The only treatment is to increase insulin levels.
In a case of hypoglycemia, there is an insufficient level of glucose in the blood. This is usually as a result of not enough food, or not taking the prescribed anti-diabetes medications at the right time. One of the areas this drop in glucose registers is in the brain. The brain responds to this glucose deficit in the only way it knows how... with dizziness. Due to the extreme danger of this condition, sugar has to be introduced into the body as quickly as possible. This is done either by glucose tablets, injection, or foods rich in glucose or sugar.
Even though the dizziness may dissipate after a treatment has been rendered, it is best to notify your doctor as soon as possible.
Know when to call your doctor. Make sure you are aware of the point you should consider your blood sugar levels to be dangerously high or dangerously low. Ask about the normal range for you, and request guidelines as to when you should call. It's possible your doctor may even need to examine you to verify the exact cause of the attack.
To discover answers to questions you may be asking yourself about Type 2 Diabetes, click on this link... Natural Diabetes Treatments
Clicking on this link will help you to learn more about Type 2 Diabetes Solutions... Beverleigh Piepers RN... the Diabetes Detective.
Beverleigh Piepers is the author of this article. This article can be used for reprint on your website provided all the links in the article are complete and active. Copyright (c) 2010 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert
Type 2 Diabetes - Fighting Diabetes With Zinc
When you think of treatments for Type 2 diabetes, very few ever consider something like zinc. Yet, this little known supplement can offer substantial benefits for diabetics doing what they need most... balancing out blood sugar levels.
With approximately 27 million Americans having been diagnosed with diabetes, and another 1.7 million new cases being recorded every year, there is a great demand for something to help relieve the symptoms of this dreaded disease. Zinc has emerged as a great way to combat it.
Zinc is not only one of the ingredients in your multi-vitamin but it, alone, is responsible for conducting over 300 enzyme functions throughout the body. This is important since many of these enzyme functions are part of blood sugar maintenance.
To get the full effect of what zinc can do, you have to look at the pancreas. This organ stores massive quantities of zinc. The mineral is necessary for the life of the beta cells which secrete insulin. When something comes along to change the balance of these cells, such as Type 2 diabetes, then these beta cells begin to change. As they change, they are no longer able to easily store zinc, which translates into insulin problems.
It appears zinc is important for preventing insulin resistance, as a low zinc level seems to be connected with increased insulin resistance. Lower levels may affect the ability of the islet cells of the pancreas to produce and secrete insulin in Type 2 diabetes. Zinc appears to have a protective effect against the destruction of the beta cells as well as anti-viral effects.
But zinc also possesses other outstanding qualities. This antioxidant mineral is well-known for its ability to improve male sexual health by protecting the prostate gland and for warding off impotency. Zinc also plays important roles in immune function: it also improves mental clarity and focus. But other benefits help everyone... not just those with diabetes. These can include helping to fight the common cold. A deficiency in zinc could mean a lot of trouble where wound healing and acne outbreaks are concerned.
Zinc supplementation has been shown to improve insulin levels of both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics. Oral zinc supplements might help you improve your overall skin tone, heal bedsores, surgical incisions, burns and other minor skin irritations. Zinc could also improve you fat-burning capabilities.
If you aren't one to take supplements there's good news. Zinc is available in many of your favorite foods. Foods that are rich in zinc are:
sunflower and pumpkin seeds,nuts, especially almonds,spinach,bananas,cucumbers,cheese,seafood, particularly oysters and shellfish,beef such as turkey, lamb, and dark chicken meat.Your doctor can advise you on what the optimal level of zinc should be for you. Maintaining proper zinc levels will not only help with various aspects of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, but in many others areas of your overall health.
To discover answers to questions you may be asking yourself about Type 2 Diabetes, click on this link... Natural Diabetes Treatments
Clicking on this link will help you to learn more about Type 2 Diabetes Solutions... Beverleigh Piepers RN... the Diabetes Detective.
Beverleigh Piepers is the author of this article. This article can be used for reprint on your website provided all the links in the article are complete and active. Copyright (c) 2010 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert
Get Your Facts Strait on Diabetes - Research and Studies Every American Should Know
If your blood glucose is in the red often, you may be a person diagnosed with diabetes. When your body doesn't produce the correct amount of the hormone insulin you are considered a diabetic. Doctors can tell you about your blood sugar level, if it exceeds 110 mg/dl, you officially have hyperglycemia.
History will tell our grand children that diabetes was one of the fastest growing chronic diseases of our time. In the top ways of dieing in the US, diabetes takes a trophy. Woman and children alike are effected by diabetes, yet blame can not be put on the disease itself. People may go for years and years without actually feeling the symptoms of diabetes, until it is too late and difficult to reverse. Keep your entire body, including your heart, healthy and in shape to prevent diabetes. Synonymous with diabetes is also stroke and heart attack. You can say that it's best to live an overall healthy lifestyle to prevent problems such as those.
Depending on how the body uses insulin, people have either type 1 or 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes (formerly known as insulin-dependent or juvenile-onset diabetes) is usually diagnosed before the age of 30.
Type 2 diabetes is also commonly called adult-onset diabetes. Although diagnosed in children, many adults develop this later in life due to a poor lifestyle. Up to 95% of diabetic cases are Type 2. These cases are becoming increasingly common in the older crowd. If a person contracts type 2, monitoring their blood sugar and taking injectable or oral medication will help them manage the disease.
Whichever type of diabetes you may have, it's important to be educated and take steps to prevent it from getting any more severe. The first step for a doctor to know about your glucose level, is to have a reading of it over several months. This is done using a A1C test. Use diet and exercise to keep the complications of diabetes at bay. Of course, if you choose to simply manage your diabetes the medication is a valid course. Sometimes multiple medications and insulin are needed to control blood sugar levels.
Take medication and watch your glucose on a daily basis if you are diagnosed with diabetes. If you have a possible family history of diabetes, you may be at a greater risk. If you have diabetes, you should take any medication as directed and make sure you are following the proper nutrition plan.
Test your blood sugar before a meal. If it is outside of 70-130 mg/dl then you should talk to your doctor. Be careful of caffeine as it can also cause you problems. If you have type 2 diabetes, avoid excess amounts of caffeine as it can increase blood sugar levels. Check your glucose amounts every so often with a A1c (HbA1c) test. The A1c (HbA1c) test will give you insight and allow you to chart your blood sugar over time. Treatment of diabetes focuses on lowering blood sugar or glucose (BG) to the near normal range, approximately 80-140 mg/dl (4.4-7.8 mmol/L).
You can also get more information from the AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION (ADA):
Lessen Blood Glucose Levels With Structured Exercises
As documented in current research by a group made up of Brazilian scientists, blood glucose levels could be improved upon in those with diabetes type two when they implement a structured exercise routine which incorporates both strength training together with cardiovascular exercise.
This data was founded on the conclusions from forty-seven various scientific studies. The study workers likewise deduced that if you happen to perform exercise for a longer period, it's a lot more useful in reducing blood glucose levels in comparison with rigorous training.
Experts have long recognized that men and women who have diabetes type two can lessen the potential risk of really serious further health concerns, and even greatly improve their condition, thanks to exercising. And yet, until recently, numerous tests presented unclear results in regards to what kind of exercising turned out to be more helpful.
As noted by medical professional Beatriz Schaan (the research program's senior author) individuals who possess type two diabetes would most likely benefit from performing a regular fitness program, supervised if possible.
Based on the scientific study, affected individuals would be wise to work out at least 2.5 hours each week due to the fact this offers the maximum gain in lessening glucose levels. On the other hand, if you aren't able to participate in that level of training every week, even a reduced level could be beneficial.
These specific medical studies were made up of around 8,500 individuals that volunteered. In order to define the usefulness of exercising, the research implemented a way of measuring called hemoglobin A1c. This unique way of measuring is usually described as A1c and assesses blood glucose levels over time.
With regards to this particular investigation, it analyzed average glucose levels across a two to three-month period of time. These types of test results are reported as a percent, and ordinarily levels lower than 6% are considered to be normal. Values are normally more than this for people who suffer from diabetes. The ADA (American Diabetes Association) advocates people with diabetes endeavor to bring down their A1c level to below 7%.
The actual investigation used two groupings of type two diabetes patients, then analyzed the final results for people that participated in an organized workout program to those people that had been advised to work out but without having support. Those engaged in structured exercising took part in custom activities and all of these were being administered. The next bunch was basically just informed that they were required to engage in physical activity together with being advised exactly what they had to do, but had not been supervised or just partly supervised.
The men and women who took part in the organized physical fitness class, which integrated weight training in addition to aerobic exercise, was capable of reducing his or her A1c level by .67% over the actual control individuals. Furthermore, people within the structured physical exercise group which exercised even more than 2.5 hours throughout the week, demonstrated an average decline in A1c of .89% above the control volunteers.
On the flip side, those people within the non-structured physical exercise group averaged a drop of.43% in A1c compared to the control volunteers. In cases where both training advice and diet information were supplied to the non-structured volunteers, these individuals reduced their particular A1c by.58% greater than the control people.
In summary virtually any sort of working out will help lessen glucose levels since it boosts insulin sensitivity. And yet, to bring down glucose levels even further, you need to implement regimented cardiovascular exercise as well as a strength training exercise routine for not less than 2.5 hours a week.
Do you have any of the symptoms of diabetes? Early detection and monitoring your blood sugar levels are keys to avoiding serious additional complications.
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert
Good Diabetic Strategies For Improved Health
Being a diagnosed diabetic does not automatically exclude you from all the pleasurable foods you were accustomed to during your pre-diabetes days. It does demand more attention though when you are selecting the following:
The types of foods you eatHow much you eat - portion control is vitally importantHow to make responsible substitutionsLearn to effectively initiate prior planning and execution of better quality meals and snacksStrive for or maintain a responsible body weightStrive for a continuous balance of foods, activity and medications
So now that you know the basic principles to following a good strategic diabetic plan, let's learn how to implement each of these steps into your daily life.
Everyone is familiar with the term junk foods but it might surprise you to learn many of the foods which you considered "good foods" may be detrimental to the diabetic with over-consumption. Avoid white refined flours made into pasta, breads, and many baked goods. If any product was made from white flour it has been stripped of most of its vitamins and minerals during food processing and packaging. Actually, the wheat kernel itself, after processing into white flour, has been stripped of any of its normal nutritional benefits. Also, carefully monitor your intake of many types of gravy, salad dressings, bottled sauces (like ketchup, Worcestershire etc.) or homemade dumplings and boxed mixes. All of these do rely on the gluten protein, often a sensitivity reactor in many diabetics diet.
Every one of us has our absolute favorites and we just do not want to give them up, whether that food is healthy or not healthy. So instead of eliminating them, adjust your portion sizes on your favorites and carefully pick and choose your other selections for that day to lower the carb load on that particular day's menu.
Making responsible substitutions is not as difficult as you may believe. Opt for sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes. Or, if you just must have white, choose baby new potatoes or 1/2 of a russet potato. These last two white potato versions do not initiate as high a spike in your blood sugar levels as most other forms of white potatoes.
The Benefits of Help With Diabetes Guides
Diabetes is a growing health concern that is affecting an increasing population today. It has been identified to be increasingly present in children today and not limited to adults only as in the past. Hence, this health issue is worrying as it reflects the worsening lifestyle that the children are adopting today.
Fortunately, help with diabetes is available to manage and control this condition of your children.
Diabetes guides
There are many diabetes guides that are written by professionals such as doctors, scientists and pediatricians to help those with the condition. These guides help families with understanding the different types of diabetes and the latest information about this condition.
Practical information to control its effects are stated in the help with diabetes guides so that the condition is put under control and coped on a daily living. This includes various types of help with diabetes for children and teenagers diagnosed with diabetes.
Guide Content
A help with diabetes guide covers the various types of emergencies like diabetic ketoacidosis and hypoglycemia and your corresponding actions to treat them. It clarifies the role of insulin in diabetes and its application. There are many types of insulin that can be applied to a diabetes patient. A child or teenager may pick up type 1 or 2 diabetes, monogenic or gestational diabetes which a diabetes help guide can explain in details about its form, symptoms, causes and controls. The relationships amongst these diabetes types are also made clear to the reader for a better understanding and identification.
Control solutions
There is no confirmed scientific solution to diabetes at this point in time although many researches are being conducted. The cause of diabetes has been identified which is an excessive presence of sugar in the blood; it could have come on as a hereditary factor or a lifestyle factor.
Hence, a diagnosed diabetes patient and his caregiver must be serious in maintaining the glucose level in the latter's blood stream. Even though there is no definite cure of diabetes currently, researches have confirmed many ways in putting it under good control.
Regular exercising is crucial to controlling the blood sugar levels as the action helps to dissipate the excess sugar and hence reduce the level. Another control solution as a help with diabetes is to eat the right foods while cutting down the sugar intake.
It is important to maintain the weight to avoid excessive sugar in the body.
Diabetes management
The help with diabetes guide is very useful as it provides the necessary information to help the diabetic and his caregiver in understanding how diabetes can be controlled before it reaches a damaging stage such as kidney failure.
Welcome to DiabetesDek, The highly respected and recognized Website Around the Globe to Control and manage Diabetes. The experts of DiabetesDek put together there experiences for easy reading of DiabetesDeks that will keep you informed and help with diabetes to better manage your life.
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Type 2 Diabetes - Side Effects of Diabetes Medications
For many Type 2 diabetics, medication is a necessity for helping to control their blood sugar level and other aspects of their diabetes. But as with any medication being introduced into the body, many people often experience side effects. Knowing the possible side effects of the various diabetes drugs is something that can help you be prepared.
As with any medication, they are going to affect each person differently. What may cause problems for one person, may not affect another at all. The severity of symptoms may also differ. That's why it may take some time to get the full effect of what your results are.
One of the most common complaints with diabetes drugs is weight gain. Some researchers attribute certain medications with attacking various proteins found in the fat tissue that regulates fat cell production. Others blame it on the reaction of fat cells in the brain. Still others cite the effect it has on a created increase in appetite. Whatever the cause, weight gain is a common occurrence and one that you will have to decide if you are ready to deal with.
Diabetics have also complained about medications causing stomach problems. This complaint can range from excess gas and bloating, to diarrhea or queasiness. If this occurs, the best course of action is to combat the effects with an alteration in diet. Many times a person can experience tremendous relief simply by reducing the fat and increasing the fiber content in their diet.
Another organ that can sustain harm is the kidneys. Even if an individual has never experienced kidney trouble before, certain medications have the ability to create an issue over time. This is something to talk over with your doctor.
Sometimes the effects are visible. Reactions will surface on the skin in the form of rashes. The irritation can be as simple as itching, and as complex as hives. In severe cases, it might be beneficial to change medications and try to come at the problem from another angle. Your doctor will be better equipped to recommend a change.
Believe it or not, low blood sugar is another side effect. This might sound foolish since the medications are meant to help control this condition. Often, this effect is the result of the diet needing to be tweaked in order to compensate for the introduction of medication into the system. (Preferably though, it would be best to lower the dosage of the prescribed medication). It might be a temporary situation, but it could be something that never gets better or goes away completely. This is when keeping your doctor informed will help both of you make the right decision on the best way to handle your Type 2 diabetes and blood sugar.
To discover answers to questions you may be asking yourself about Type 2 Diabetes, click on this link... Natural Diabetes Treatments
Clicking on this link will help you to learn more about Type 2 Diabetes Solutions... Beverleigh Piepers RN... the Diabetes Detective.
Beverleigh Piepers is the author of this article. This article can be used for reprint on your website provided all the links in the article are complete and active. Copyright (c) 2010 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert
Weight Loss Without Losing The Fat
At a recent trip to the doctor, she suggests that you lose twenty-five pounds. On the doctor's scale you weighed in at 174 lbs., a little heavy for your five feet, seven inch frame. Not thrilled to hear this but totally expecting the recommendation, you figure, " OK, well, if I lose the twenty pounds that will put me at 149 lbs. I can do that. I have friends that have lost a lot more than that (They gained it back later, plus more, but that's another article)."
So you go by the bookstore and pick up a copy of the South Beach, Atkins or even The Pritikin Diet. You plan on this being your Bible for the next couple of months. You buckle down and follow the diet of your choice for the next six weeks and before you know it you're twenty pounds lighter. Congratulations are most surely in order for reaching your goal weight... right?
Not so fast, not necessarily. Lets look at this weight loss a little more carefully.
Yes, you lost twenty-five pounds, but twenty-five pounds of what? What makes you think it was fat you lost? Could it have been muscle or bone or fluid you lost?
The answer to this question is most definitely a yes. You probably lost a combination of muscle, fat and fluid. This is particularly true when the weight comes off fast. Generally speaking the faster the weight comes off, the less of the weight is likely to be fat with a greater amount being muscle.
Losing weight is not synonymous with losing fat. In many cases when following any extreme meal plan or diet which Atkins and South Beach both are, it is common to lose both fat and muscle, oftentimes large amounts of muscle. You definitely do not want to lose any muscle.
I tell patients that inside every muscle cell there is a giant furnace that burns up the sugar that enters the cell. Not all of it, but a lot of it. Fat cells have a very small furnace and cannot burn up nearly as much sugar as the muscle cells. Fat cells do not really do much. Have you ever sat and watched one? Not much going on in there.
Unfortunately, whenever any diet calls for an extreme reduction in carbohydrates or calories there is a great likelihood that a considerable amount of muscle will be lost in addition to the fat. In these cases body fat percentages can actually go up instead of down.
As an example, if someone at 200 lbs. with 32% body fat, loses 30lbs. which is made up of 15lbs. of muscle and 15lbs. of fat, their percentage of body fat at 150lbs. would be higher than it was at 200lbs. This is not at all what you want. This for one thing will make it a lot more difficult to keep the weight off because the body's basal metabolic rate will be lower. The basal metabolic rate is the number of calories the body needs over a twenty-four hour period when the body is at total rest simply to maintain itself. Ideally, you want this number to be as high as possible. The more muscle you have in your body the higher that number will be.
The key point I want to make here is that losing weight is known to decrease insulin demands on the body. This is very beneficial, however, losing weight rapidly by severely restricting carbohydrates or total calories can cause too much of the weight that is lost to be lean muscle mass. To maximize fat loss, caloric restriction should be moderate at best and exercise should definitely be included in the weight loss efforts to preserve muscle mass.
Milt Bedingfield is a certified diabetes educator and exercise physiologist. Milt received his graduate degree in exercise physiology from The University of South Florida in 1988. Milt has been teaching people with diabetes about the disease and how to care for it for the last 18 years.
Milt was in charge of overseeing an in-house exercise program for people with diabetes from 2000-2006. Over 500 people went through the program during that time. Milt's primary goals when working with patients are to help patients learn exactly what is wrong with them when they have diabetes and to make sure patients realize just how important exercise is when it comes to managing their illness. Milt beleives that performing regular exercise is not stressed as much as it needs to be by health care providers and is always trying to change that for the better. Milt is the author of a new book entitled: Prescription For Type 2 Diabetes: Exercise. This book is very informative and easy to understand. Milt has a website at: TheExerciseDiabetesLink.com. and Twitter account. His user name is: IKnosugar.
Milt's email address is: MBedingfield
Type 2 Diabetes - Eating Disorders And How They Affect Diabetics and Non-Diabetics
Eating disorders are relatively common in the diabetic population. In people with Type 1 diabetes, up to 11 percent of cases have an overt eating disorder. In Type 2 diabetics, the binge eating disorder (compulsive overeating) usually goes hand in hand with overweight and obesity. The term "eating disorder" is used to describe a group of psychiatric problems. The most common of these include:
anorexia nervosa, the excessive urge to lose weight by self-starvation,bulimia nervosa, the cycle of binge eating followed by purging through vomiting and over-exercising, andbinge eating disorder, the compulsion to consume large amount of calories in a specific time frame.In people with diabetes, insulin omission is the usual manifestation of purging and it is seen in 11 to 15 percent of diabetics during the teenage years. In early adulthood, 30 to 39 percent also have this problem. Mortality rates in people with diabetes and anorexia nervosa at the same time, are much higher compared to either condition alone. Added to this, complications such as diabetic neuropathy, ketoacidosis, and retinopathy are higher in people who have co-existing Type 1 diabetes together with one of these eating disorders.
What are the risk factors? The most common risk factors include:
being a teenaged girl or young woman, (rarely seen in boys and men),having a strong family history of eating problems,having a history of aggressive dieting,an increased body mass index (BMI) value,a diagnosis of depression and anxiety,having a diagnosed personality disorders.How are eating disorders diagnosed? In most cases, eating disorders are well hidden. However, often the intentional omission of insulin injections can be seen, though most diabetics will deny this.
The criteria for anorexia often includes:
a refusal to maintain a normal body weight,an absolute fear of gaining weight,intense feelings of being fat,a loss of menstrual periods,extreme concern with body shape and weight.The characteristics of bulimia nervosa are:
repeated episodes of binge eating,over and over, there is compensatory behavior to avoid weight gain (such as self-induced vomiting and excessive exercise),extreme concern or satisfaction with both body shape and weight.Binge eating can be described as:
feeling out of control when around food, either trying to resist it or gorging on it,eating even when not feeling hungry,spending a lot of time thinking or worrying about food and weight,experiencing guilt feelings after eating too much,always being desperate to try another diet that promises results.Treatment options include: Eating disorders, especially alongside Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, should never be ignored...
diabetics with severely increased or decreased blood sugar in association with an eating disorder should be hospitalized immediately to prevent possible complications.family support is definitely necessary in order to achieve management of "ideal" blood sugar levels.psychological and group intervention therapy to help improve self-esteem and body acceptance is needed to help overcome the diabetic's eating disorder.diabetics with more severe forms of the various eating disorders often require the administration of medications to eliminate the symptoms.Why do diabetics and non-diabetics do this? The two most common of these disorders involve starvation. These are anorexia nervosa ("loss of appetite due to mental disorder"), and bingeing followed by purging, known as bulimia nervosa ("hunger like an ox due to mental disorder"). These are diseases of control that primarily affect females, although men have become more vulnerable in recent years. Bulimics and anorexics are usually overachievers in various aspects of their lives: they view excess weight as an announcement to the world they are "out of control".
To discover answers to questions you may be asking yourself about Type 2 Diabetes, click on this link... Natural Diabetes Treatments
Clicking on this link will help you to learn more about Type 2 Diabetes Solutions... Beverleigh Piepers RN... the Diabetes Detective.
Beverleigh Piepers is the author of this article. This article can be used for reprint on your website provided all the links in the article are complete and active. Copyright (c) 2010 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert
Diabetic Socks Help Keep Feet Happy
, and this is extremely important. Happy feet will be healthy feet and people suffering from diabetes are far more at risk at developing problems which if left untreated could end in amputation of one or both of their feet. One particular problem suffered by many diabetics is neuropathy which is where the nerves in the feet have become badly damaged. This makes it impossible for sufferers to have full feeling in their feet which leaves them open to the risk of injury. Walking on hot pavement would not affect them right away, and could burn them before they even realize that their feet are on an extremely hot surface.
It makes them particularly susceptible to burning their feet in hot water, or for them becoming too cold. The reason the nerves come damaged can be due to glucose levels being insufficiently controlled which can then lead to blood vessels becoming damaged. Another problem is that diabetics often have impaired immune systems which leaves them more susceptible to inflammation.
People suffering from diabetes need to be very careful that there are no small wounds or blisters on their feet that might develop into ulcers which do not heal properly. It can often be very difficult for them to tell if this problem is developing due to the nerve damage. They also are likely to have poor circulation and wearing well-designed socks can really help with these problems.
Unlike ordinary socks they are designed to be seamless which puts far less pressure on the skin. They may be thickly padded which not only makes them more comfortable but protects the vulnerable foot. They are designed to be loose around the top which prevents compression which can make bad circulation even worse.
One common problem that they often suffer from during cold weather is chilblains so it's essential to keep this area of their body as warm and dry as possible. Wearing products that are made from wool and cotton allows the skin to breathe so that it doesn't become damp which could cause rubbing and sore spots.
Diabetic socks keep feet happy, but more importantly they keep them healthy. They should fit properly for maximum effect and should not be too tight. It's best to have a selection so that different pairs can be worn for different activities and for when the weather is warmer or colder.
Ontario Diabetic Socks
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert
Dessert Recipes for Diabetics: Strawberry Squares and Quick and Easy Mini Tarts
Diabetics, take heart, especially if you are just newly diagnosed. As long as you don't overdo and eat the whole dessert, you can enjoy some very tasty desserts just like everyone else. The recipes in this article are very tasty but were developed with us diabetics in mind yet they are so tasty no one will believe they it! I am a dessertaholic and wasn't about to give up desserts so I have managed to change recipes to suit our needs. Give these desserts a try. I think you will be pleased. The Strawberry Dessert Squares are a layered refrigerated dessert and the Mini Tarts are a great combination of chocolate and raspberries.
2 cups finely crushed sugar-free vanilla wafer crumbs
1/3 cup Splenda granular
2/3 cup butter, melted
12-oz cream cheese, softened
1/4 cup Splenda granular
2 tablespoons milk
1 cup thawed Sugar-free whipped topping
2 cups boiling water
1 pkg (8-serving size) strawberry gelatin
1 1/2 cups cold water
2 pints strawberries, sliced
Additional whipped topping for garnish.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Mix the vanilla wafer crumbs, 1/3 cup Splenda granular, and butter together. Press mixture firmly into the bottom of a 9 x 13-inch baking pan. Bake 10 minutes. Allow to cool.
Beat the cream cheese, 1/4 cup Splenda granular, and milk until smooth using an electric mixer. Stir in the whipped topping; spread over the crumb layer and refrigerate.
In a large bowl, stir the boiling water into the gelatin until all the gelatin is dissolved. Stir in the cold water. Refrigerate for approximately 1 1/2 hours or until thickened. Stir in the strawberries and spoon over the cream cheese layer. Refrigerate for 3 hours or until firm. Cut into squares to serve. Top each square with a dollop of whipped topping, if desired.
1 pkg (1.9-oz; 15 count)baked mini phyllo dough shells
3-oz dark chocolate, melted
15 fresh raspberries
2 tbsp slivered toasted almonds
Place the miniature phyllo shells on a serving platter. Spoon melted chocolate into each of the 15 shells. Top each with a whole fresh raspberry. Sprinkle almonds over all.
Note: Blueberries may be used in place of the raspberries, if desired
Per 3 shells: 175 calories, 9 g (4 sat) fat, 4 mg cholesterol, 43 mg sodium, 19 g carbs, 2 g fiber, 3 g protein
Diabetic exchanges: 1 carb, 2 fats
For more of Linda's recipes and diabetic information visit http://diabeticenjoyingfood.blogspot.com
For her old fashion recipe collection visit her at http://grandmasvintagerecipes.blogspot.com
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert
Pre Diabetes Needs To Be Taken Seriously - Seriously
The big problem with type 2 diabetes and pre diabetes, a condition where the development of type 2 diabetes is more likely than not, is that far too many people do not take either of these conditions seriously. I find this more true when a person is diagnosed with pre diabetes. I guess there is something about the word "pre" that makes it seem like there is still time, "I don't have to treat it or do anything about it because I don't officially have diabetes yet. I am still pre. Maybe, I will stay like this and never actually develop diabetes."
These comments or attitudes most often result from misunderstanding the diagnosis. There are presently 24 million people with diabetes and an estimated 57 million with pre-diabetes. Those with diabetes will have it forever, as there is no cure for diabetes. It can be successfully treated but never cured, at least not now, not yet. Pre diabetes, however, if recognized and treated early may never develop into type 2 diabetes. This is precisely why people with this diagnosis need to understand it and learn what they can do to avoid eventually becoming diabetic. Sadly, two out of every three people with type 2 diabetes will die from heart disease.
The contributing factors that ultimately lead to the heart disease; the elevated blood pressure, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and increased insulin production usually start becoming apparent a-half dozen years or so prior to becoming pre-diabetic. In other words, by the time someone is diagnosed as having pre-diabetes there is a good chance they have already developed some degree of heart disease. In the case of pre-diabetes, although it's true that you do not yet meet the criteria for having diabetes, there are things going wrong inside your body that will affect the quality and most likely the length of your life.
Being diagnosed with pre-diabetes is serious. The worst thing you can do is disregard the diagnosis or take it lightly. The best thing you can do is learn about it, what it is, what causes it, what it means for you short and long term, and most importantly, make some changes in your lifestyle. People with this diagnosis should seek diabetes education by a Certified Diabetes Educator. These are healthcare professionals specifically trained to teach people at risk for diabetes.
Being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, in a sense, means you are further down the road. There is no going back, your goal now is to manage it, or "control it" the best you can. Seek out diabetes education, learn everything you can about it and do what the educators suggest. You do what you need to and your future looks bright, ignore it or downplay its significance and your future looks bleak.
It's pretty much up to you.
Milt Bedingfield is a certified diabetes educator and exercise physiologist. Milt received his graduate degree in exercise physiology from The University of South Florida in 1988. Milt has been teaching people with diabetes about the disease and how to care for it for the last 18 years.
Milt is the author of a new book entitled: Prescription For Type 2 Diabetes: Exercise. Milt has a website at: http://TheExerciseDiabetesLink.com. and Twitter account. His user name is: IKnosugar.
Milt's email address is:MBedingfield
You Can Now Cure Diabetes Type Two - Truth or Unethical Advertising?
The statistics are jaw dropping! The American Diabetes Association has said, "there are currently nearly 26 million individuals in the United States with diabetes. Of those, around 18 million who are currently clinically diagnosed. However, 7 million persons are not aware that they have the ailment. If actual patterns continue, 1 in 3 United States grown-ups can have diabetes by 2050."
Unfortunately, when you get into your latter years, your odds of developing diabetes type two are greater. Stat trends show that fourteen % of individuals over the age of 50 are going to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and that is also an incredible estimate when you realize the fact that there are at least six billion people on earth. As a matter of fact, the likelihood is that you or someone you know are likely to have Type 2 diabetes.
Should you be one of those people who are diagnosed with the sickness, you have most likely applied a healthy food regimen, aerobic exercise, changing your lifestyle, and possibly a host of other techniques to cope with your malady. However, quite often these techniques and control options are often not nearly enough to rein in the condition, and you will often end up trying to manage and control your T2D via prescription drugs or insulin injections.
The effect of Type 2 diabetes on your body systems are usually quite dangerous and disabling. As your disorder progresses, it usually goes on to cause renal organ failure, loss of sight, gangrene, limb amputations, skin lesions, cardiovascular disease, coma, stroke, shock, and even death.
It stands to reason that you would need to resolve your illness in lieu of attempting to suppress it. However, the techniques that are currently used do exactly that; they are only going to suppress the illness instead offering you a way to reverse it.
However, you now have a method to treat and revert diabetes type two which has shown itself to be effective in providing a resolution for the disorder in 90 percent of the patients with the disease. Metabolic surgery, a variation of mini gastric bypass surgery, is now being applied in order to revert the sickness.
What a novel strategy because, instead of using gastric bypass surgery as a weightloss process, it is changed and improved to make sure that it reverses Type 2 diabetes.
You can find plenty of information throughout the Internet regarding metabolic surgery to reverse type 2 diabetes. As a word of caution, always be wary of anyone who makes wild claims about being able to cure the disease in the short term.
You need to do careful research and investigation and make sure that you are not being mislead. There are some very unethical people who will try to take advantage of your desperation if you are not very careful.
Anyone who has Type 2 diabetes, anyone attempting to find solutions and other options, can now make use of reversal through metabolic surgery as one of the available means to put an end to this disease.
Got to the website for metabolic surgery to reverse type 2 diabetes. You can also request more information about this novel procedure to resolve type 2 diabetes.
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert
Type 2 Diabetes - The Accuracy Of Your Glucose Meter
Monitoring blood glucose, or blood sugar levels, is at the very heart of great diabetes maintenance, whether you have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. The main instrument used to accomplish this is a glucose testing meter. But how accurate are they, and is the error percentage enough to be concerned with?
Since guidelines were first established, the International Organization of Standards (IOS) has put their own regulation in place concerning the effectiveness of these meters. Under their guidelines, these devices can be off as much as 20 percent. That would give you a 40 point difference in the extreme high and low readings that were required on a 100mg readout. For a diabetic, this is far too much of a gap.
Another guideline in place is that they are only required to be accurate 95 percent of the time. That means that 95 percent of the time they can be off as much as 20 percent, and for the remaining 5 percent of the time, it can be an even higher error rate.
Given the seriousness of what your meter can tell you, it is vital you take immaculate care of it. That means keeping it in an ideal location, especially when you are away from home. Insuring that it remains in calibration is also equally important.
But the device isn't the only area that deserves consideration. There are outside factors that can affect the accuracy of a glucose meter. Ambient temperature and the amount of humidity are important... keep your glucose meter in the same cool, dry place as your other supplies. Your glucose meter will work best when stored between 50 and 104 degrees Fahrenheit (10 and 40 degrees Celsius). If you take your meter with you, a locked car often becomes hotter than this.
The size and the quality of blood samples can affect readings. The cleanliness of the meter and/or the strips, and how old the strips are also come into play.
Even the brand of strips themselves, can make a difference. Once you become familiar with a particular brand it is better to remain with that brand as some can be a better quality than others. Going with whichever brand is on sale can compromise accuracy.
For those who would still like additional assistance in accuracy readings, they can use the Clarke Error Grid which analyzes and displays the level of accuracy readings based on how the equipment is being managed. It will help you efficiently take all factors into account.
It is extremely important that you check for accuracy ratings when purchasing a glucose testing meter. It will involve doing substantial research and looking at as many reviews as you can get your hands on. The more experience you can rely on, the better off you will be.
To discover answers to questions you may be asking yourself about Type 2 Diabetes, click on this link... Natural Diabetes Treatments
Clicking on this link will help you to learn more about Type 2 Diabetes Solutions ... Beverleigh Piepers RN... the Diabetes Detective.
Beverleigh Piepers is the author of this article. This article can be used for reprint on your website provided all the links in the article are complete and active. Copyright (c) 2010 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert
Type 2 Diabetes - New Study Links Asthma and Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is rarely found alone, maybe a little like a Victoria Secret supermodel. People with Type 2 diabetes often also suffer from chronic diseases like arthritis, dementia and hypertension.
Now we can add asthma to the laundry list of obesity-related diseases found alongside Type 2 diabetes. At the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, scientists unveiled results from a research study involving more than 7000 volunteers. People with diabetes were twice as likely to suffer from asthma than non-diabetics.
They also found having asthma upped the risk of other chronic diseases, like heart disease, by about 50 percent.
What's the link? Inflammation... the natural bodily process that spirals out of control in certain people. Inflammation is the underlying cause of insulin resistance and the inflamed lung cells that lead to asthma. Cutting down on inflammation can help you manage... or even reverse... both asthma and diabetes.
Here's how:
Lose It: Losing weight and keeping it off is the key to reducing the risk of the debilitating conditions linked to Type 2 diabetes. Your excess fat cells actually produce inflammation. By simply reducing the fat you carry around, you'll dramatically decrease the amount of inflammatory cells circulating in your body.
If you're having issues dropping pounds or kilograms, consider checking in with a registered dietitian or certified diabetes educator.
Omega-3s: Omega-3's are to inflammation as a bucket of ice water is to a lit match. Omega-3 fats actually block the production of your body's inflammation-producing cells. However, not all omega-3s are created equal. EPA and DHA... the form of omega-3 found in seafood... is much more potent than plant-based omega-3 sources like flaxseed oil.
Work It Out: People who regularly exercise have lower levels of inflammation, a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports. In this study, 14 thousand adults were asked about their physical activity levels. They also submitted to a blood test which determined inflammation. People that exercised regularly had half the inflammation levels compared to "couch potatoes".
Even if you don't set out to be the next Lance Armstrong, the CDC researchers found that even light physical activity dropped inflammation considerably.
Go Low-GI: Diabetics should opt for low glycemic index (low-GI) foods like yams, broccoli and quinoa because they prevent blood sugar highs and lows. Oregon State University states that eating a low glycemic diet can also combat inflammation. High blood sugar levels actually spur your body to ramp up inflammation. Eating a low-GI diet will help reduce the incidence of high blood sugar in diabetics and non-diabetics alike.
To discover answers to questions you may be asking yourself about Type 2 Diabetes, click on this link... Natural Diabetes Treatments
Clicking on this link will help you to learn more about Type 2 Diabetes Solutions ... Beverleigh Piepers RN... the Diabetes Detective.
Beverleigh Piepers is the author of this article. This article can be used for reprint on your website provided all the links in the article are complete and active. Copyright (c) 2010 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert
Type 2 Diabetes - Hearing Loss and Diabetes: The Connection
Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes has the ability to affect many different parts of the body. Some areas are aggravated simply due to the disease itself while others are affected as a direct result of a complication of the disease. One area many diabetics might not be keenly aware of as being affected, is their hearing. In the past, as Type 2 diabetes was a disease of older people who may be experiencing hearing loss due to their age, the two diseases were connected. Actually, hearing loss brought about by diabetes has different causes to hearing loss brought about by old age.
Statistics show diabetics are at a 30 percent higher risk of developing hearing loss than those who do not have diabetes. That doesn't mean that everyone with diabetes will experience hearing loss. However, it does mean that those with diabetes are much more prone to losing some of their hearing as a result of their diabetes diagnosis.
How does diabetes cause hearing loss?
The reason for the connection is based on several things... the first one is circulation. Tiny blood vessels and nerves in the inner ear are responsible for allowing us to hear. Just like other areas of the body, these delicate highways can become scarred and damaged irreparably from the high blood sugar levels associated with both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.
The second reason that diabetes is connected is due to the lack of a protein called keratin. This protein serves an important purpose by bonding to the ear canal and creating a protective layer. This is important for two reasons:
it prevents the inner ear canal from becoming overly stimulated, andit allows ear wax to move outward for easier removal.
Epithelial tissue within the ear canal can also become damaged from diabetes and high blood sugar. A person with this complication will notice an increased sensitivity to plastics, such as those used in hearing aids. Because of this sensitivity, these individuals are much more prone to developing any of a host of irritations and infections including yeast.
A common misconception is that only the elderly suffer from this condition. But the fact is anyone can have a level of hearing loss... even children. Since it is not a commonly thought about complication, the disease can attack this area without warning and actually cause significant damage quickly.
How can you tell you are experiencing hearing loss:
do you ask others to repeat what they are saying to you?when conversing with a group of friends, do you have trouble following the conversation?do you think people are mumbling?is the volume of your television too loud for others who are around you?do you have difficulty understanding what young children say?
Did you answer yes to any of these questions?
One problem with hearing loss is the individual rarely notices a difference until substantial damage has occurred. Unlike changes in vision which are easily noted, it's difficult for someone to determine when their hearing has become impaired. This is why it's important for both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics to ask their doctor to include a hearing test in their regular check-up so any depletion of hearing loss can be detected early.
To discover answers to questions you may be asking yourself about Type 2 Diabetes, click on this link... Natural Diabetes Treatments
Clicking on this link will help you to learn more about Type 2 Diabetes Solutions ... Beverleigh Piepers RN... the Diabetes Detective.
Beverleigh Piepers is the author of this article. This article can be used for reprint on your website provided all the links in the article are complete and active. Copyright (c) 2010 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert