The big problem with type 2 diabetes and pre diabetes, a condition where the development of type 2 diabetes is more likely than not, is that far too many people do not take either of these conditions seriously. I find this more true when a person is diagnosed with pre diabetes. I guess there is something about the word "pre" that makes it seem like there is still time, "I don't have to treat it or do anything about it because I don't officially have diabetes yet. I am still pre. Maybe, I will stay like this and never actually develop diabetes."
These comments or attitudes most often result from misunderstanding the diagnosis. There are presently 24 million people with diabetes and an estimated 57 million with pre-diabetes. Those with diabetes will have it forever, as there is no cure for diabetes. It can be successfully treated but never cured, at least not now, not yet. Pre diabetes, however, if recognized and treated early may never develop into type 2 diabetes. This is precisely why people with this diagnosis need to understand it and learn what they can do to avoid eventually becoming diabetic. Sadly, two out of every three people with type 2 diabetes will die from heart disease.
The contributing factors that ultimately lead to the heart disease; the elevated blood pressure, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and increased insulin production usually start becoming apparent a-half dozen years or so prior to becoming pre-diabetic. In other words, by the time someone is diagnosed as having pre-diabetes there is a good chance they have already developed some degree of heart disease. In the case of pre-diabetes, although it's true that you do not yet meet the criteria for having diabetes, there are things going wrong inside your body that will affect the quality and most likely the length of your life.
Being diagnosed with pre-diabetes is serious. The worst thing you can do is disregard the diagnosis or take it lightly. The best thing you can do is learn about it, what it is, what causes it, what it means for you short and long term, and most importantly, make some changes in your lifestyle. People with this diagnosis should seek diabetes education by a Certified Diabetes Educator. These are healthcare professionals specifically trained to teach people at risk for diabetes.
Being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, in a sense, means you are further down the road. There is no going back, your goal now is to manage it, or "control it" the best you can. Seek out diabetes education, learn everything you can about it and do what the educators suggest. You do what you need to and your future looks bright, ignore it or downplay its significance and your future looks bleak.
It's pretty much up to you.
Milt Bedingfield is a certified diabetes educator and exercise physiologist. Milt received his graduate degree in exercise physiology from The University of South Florida in 1988. Milt has been teaching people with diabetes about the disease and how to care for it for the last 18 years.
Milt is the author of a new book entitled: Prescription For Type 2 Diabetes: Exercise. Milt has a website at: and Twitter account. His user name is: IKnosugar.
Milt's email address is:MBedingfield
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