Monday, July 25, 2011

Natural Diabetes Cure

ByDawn Frances

Diabetes is a chronic disease that originates in the pancreas. The condition starts because the pancreas is either unable to produce the required amount of insulin needed by the body, or the body cells have become resistant to insulin and are therefore unable to control the glucose levels in blood. If the condition is left untreated, the sugar level in a person's blood can become extremely high, and long-term health problems are likely to arise. This can prove to be a fatal illness and is one of the major causes of heart disease, strokes, and respiratory problems. Even though medications are available to keep this disease under control, there are methods that can be adopted instead of turning to synthetic medicines.

There are several advantages to using natural treatment methods instead of allopathy, which causes side effects ranging from mild skin allergies to dizziness and severe nausea. Given below are a few options that a person looking to use natural cures can use:

- Stevia is a natural sweetener with no calories and can be used as a substitute for sugar.

-Fish oils, especially salmon and cod liver oil, contain high amounts of Omega 3 and are beneficial as s.

- A little cinnamon taken daily helps in significantly controlling blood sugar and also reduces the lipids in blood.

- Fenugreek seed water, when soaked overnight, mashed, and then strained before drinking, helps in maintaining glucose levels.

- Five grams of cayenne pepper taken daily also lowers blood sugar.

- Garlic and onion taken on a regular basis has been proven to be good for diabetes.

- Yoga and asanas done regularly boost the insulin level in the body and therefore regulate blood sugar. Sukhasana (easy pose) is the most effective treatment for this condition. Shavasana (relaxation pose), ardha matsyendrasana (half spinal twist) and surya namaskar (sun salutation) are very effective asanas. Surya Namaskar or sun salutation is good for the kidneys, the adrenal glands and the liver. Other asanas that benefit patients suffering from this disease include kapalabhati (frontal brain cleansing breath), fish pose or matsyasana, and palm tree pose or tadasana. However, it should be remembered that yoga should always be performed under the watchful eye of a qualified instructor, otherwise, you may hurt yourself.

These few diet and daily lifestyle changes show gradual improvements in diabetes patients. With time, the condition gets within your control, and when these guidelines are followed regularly, the patient can look forward to a healthy life using s.

Dawn Frances is a diabetes research educator. For more information on alternative natural remedies for diabetes. Learn how you can Prevent, Treat and Reverse Diabetes Naturally visit Dawn.

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