With diabetes fast spreading like an epidemic in an obesity-ridden USA, people are looking for ways on , as this metabolic disorder can prove to be life threatening. A sedentary lifestyle and the consumption of unhealthy foods are the main reasons why a person develops insulin resistance.
If the thought of depending on insulin shots for life terrifies you, the good news is that by making suitable lifestyle modifications, it is possible to cure this disease naturally without depending on medications. Here are some natural ways to keep your sugar levels in check:
• Marvelous magnesium: If you have a family history of diabetes or are pre-diabetic with blood sugar levels ranging between 100-125mg, you can find the answer to '?' by consuming foods rich in magnesium.
A recent study published by the National Institute of Health stated that eating 300-400mg of magnesium daily can help our bodies to produce and regulate insulin levels. People who eat magnesium rich foods are less prone to developing this disease.
You can get your daily dose of magnesium from green vegetables such as broccoli and spinach or by snacking on a handful of nuts like cashews or almonds. Oats and whole grains are other good sources of magnesium.
• Fabulous fenugreek: Eating about 90 gm of powdered fenugreek in a day can work wonders to control your sugar levels. Do not consume fenugreek along with any other medications and do not consume more than 100gm of fenugreek a day, or you may feel nauseated or suffer from a stomach upset. Pregnant women should consult their doctors before eating fenugreek.
• Comforting cinnamon: ? Well, you can replace your regular cup of tea or coffee with cinnamon tea. Start sprinkling cinnamon on your breakfast cereals and opt for cinnamon buns instead of regular buns. A recent research conducted by doctors in the US revealed that people who consume cinnamon regularly in their diet show a reduction of almost 18% in their glucose levels and also witness an improvement in their triglyceride count. These are surely good reasons to include this herb in your diet.
• Olive oil and apple cider vinegar: Try replacing your normal cooking oil with olive oil. This oil is a great source of monosaturated fats and Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. The regular use of this oil is beneficial in curing this disease. Some naturopaths also recommend drinking two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar at before bedtime to control blood sugar levels.
You would have found the answer to the question "?" by reading the pointers above. Try these home remedies and get your sugar levels checked continuously so that you can monitor whether your diabetes levels are in control.
Dawn Frances is a diabetes research educator. For more information on alternative natural remedies for diabetes. Learn how you can Prevent, Treat and Reverse Diabetes Naturally visit Dawn.
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert
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