Hello and welcome back,
I believe that treating Type II Diabetes goes beyond the medication that a patient is placed on or how many carbs they count in their diet. It also encompasses a person's mindset, or said another way 'the power of the mind'
The reason for this blog and my soon to be published book is to provide insights as to how to use mindset to create a positive mindset that allows people to get into action in order to create a more powerful existence in spite of type 2 diabetes.
There are three essential ingredients that make up the mindset of such a person:
Being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes can be a life altering experience for a lot of people.
In fact some people may experience a sense of 'loss of good health'.
As this sense of loss sets in, these people may go through several stages of grieving.
The first stage is denial. Commonly I'll encounter patients saying things like, "I am not laying claim to diabetes!". Another scenario is patients leaving a health care provider and not returning for medical care. Sometimes they turn to alternative medicine in search of 'a cure' for type 2 diabetes.
The next stage may be anger and mixed with verbal outrage at the health care provider for informing them of the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. Sometimes even family members and ones close to the newly diagnosed diabetic may be the target and get berated with words like 'you just don't understand'
The next stage is bargaining. It's a 'this can't be happening to me' or trying to rationalize this away. So bargaining with the doctor to do one more blood test.
The third stage is depression. This can be a slippery slope steeped right into the depths of negativity.
It's very important for not only health care providers but also friends and family to be aware of this stage.
Taking on a negative mindset and becoming resigned to the imaginings of all the deadly complications of diabetes might cause some people who had a good chance at a productive life just give up on themselves! I constantly tell my clients and my patients about the power of the subconscious mind. What you feed your subconscious mind becomes your reality over time.
If you believe yourself to be with dis-ease then you will be diseased
It is in the final stage of grieving called acceptance that creating a powerful life begins. With acceptance comes the choice to take on making healthy lifestyle choices as a diabetic. It means coming with an open mind to learn what it takes to live with diabetes. It also means creating a support system that champions you on not with a negative outlook but with a 'we can do this' attitude.
Without acceptance and the power of the mind to create a greater possibility,then there is very little power elsewhere. It makes no difference what the venture may be, but if you are just going through the motions and not truly participating in your life little is really ever achieved.
With acceptance comes the next crucial ingredient- belief. A belief that no matter what you can and will live powerfully with diabetes. It never ceases to inspire me when I come across people who have not allowed this or any chronic medical condition to stop them in their tracks.
Diabetes is no discriminator of persons. There are countless celebrities with diabetes. These are people who have access to the best that medical care has to offer. No matter what they were not going to lay around and let diabetes rule them. That's a powerful mindset. Whatever it takes can you create a similar belief that you too can live a powerful life with diabetes.
The final mindset ingredient is commitment. Commitment as defined in the Merriam Webster Dictionary is 'the state of being obligated or emotionally impelled'
Now that may seem like pretty deep stuff. What do the words 'obligated' or 'impelled' bring up inside of you?
Prior to my training as a life coach, I collapsed commitment with entrapment. For instance, I discovered that it was far easier for me to be entrapped to the demands of my medical career, than to be committed to ensuring that I attended to my wellbeing on a regular basis.
So if the thought of being committed to changing certain aspects of your lifestyle brings up any feelings of feeling entrapped know that you are not alone. Sometimes it seems safe to stick with what is safe and familiar even when we know that it may be harming us in the long run
Being committed to living powerfully with diabetes is about embracing your total wellbeing.
It means having a love for ourselves. Being truly in love with who we are, not who we imagine ourselves to be is the most important key to living a powerful life period. It is not giving up on ourselves, not letting being diagnosed with a chronic illness such as type 2 diabetes create a setback in our lives.
There are thousands of websites that can provide you with information about diabetes. From how it is diagnosed, to what medications and diets work or do not work. But I'm sensing that you came here for something different.
As a board certified internal medicine physician, I have treated hundreds of patients with type II diabetes and a lot of them are living powerfully. What made that difference is that as part of my treatment, I treated their minds by empowering them to believe that they could live powerfully with diabetes.
I encourage my patients and clients to give themselves permission to go through the stages of grief. To allow themselves to feel every emotion that comes along with this new diagnosis. But not to let this paralyze them from taking action. Now more than ever is the time to take powerful action.
If that is where you are in your journey of self discovery, then I invite you to join me in dialogue by leaving a comment below. Too often I have heard patients say that if they could just understand a little more, they wouldn't feel so helpless.
I am passionate about helping people become more empowered through knowledge by providing then with information that is easy to understand and is not overwhelming.
I'd love to hear from you as we continue to bring content every that is fresh and inspires you to action.
And be sure to join us in creating the buzz on twitter and facebook by using the #PowerfulLivingDiabetes.
To your Health and Wellbeing,
Dr Eno
Born in the United Kingdom, Dr Nsima-Obot was one of the top ten graduating students from University of Calabar, Nigeria in 1987. She completed her residency training in 1996 from the Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn New York and since then has maintained ongoing requirements for board certification in Internal Medicine.She relocated to the Greater Chicago area in 1998. Her practice philosophy is to empower her patients to by providing them with information so that they can partner better in their healthcare. She holds regular speaking events in areas of Wellness and Prevention and has also started offering ongoing Workshops. For more information about Dr Eno log onto http://www.ask-dr-eno.com
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert
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