Sunday, July 31, 2011

Time-Tested Natural Remedies to Cure Asthma Permanently

So all right, the growing number of asthma patients is getting to be rather scary. But what can one do, when the amount of factors in the air and water, leading to asthma are growing at the same scary proportions? So for all those people who are suffering from asthma and cannot move out of the house without their inhaler, here are some hundred percent natural recipes with which they can get rid of asthma permanently.

Now, these measures are time proven. However, some of these ingredients may not be available to people who live in the cities and dine off pasteurised milk in bottles and packets. If that is one restraining factor, try the other remedies listed here.

Pick up a 250 g packet of delicious black Arabian Dates the next time you go to the supermarket. Not only are these extremely nutritious fruit, but they have many curative qualities. Powder hundred grams of fresh pepper corns and mix them with the Peeled and chopped dates. Now slowly heat them together on a griddle pan, for 10 min on slow heat. Now allow this mixture to cool, grind it up again in your food processor, and place it in a glass jar. in India, we normally make pellets out of this mixture and feed two pellets to asthma patients, along with a glass full of hot milk, morning and night. But you can mix a tablespoon full in the milk and gulp it down, if you wish.

Milk is the deciding factor to get rid of asthma. The more milk you drink, (yes, fresh milk, boiled and cooled, instead of the soya substitute which is found so often in the cities)the lesser chances you have of suffering from a future asthma attack.

This is another time- tested recipe, which unfortunately needs goats' milk. So unless you live in the mountains like Heidi, this recipe may possibly not work for you. Nevertheless, you can try it out with cows' milk, because after all, the other ingredients are totally natural and healthy. You are going to find some sort of improvement in your asthma problem, through this natural remedy.

Grind up four dried bay leaves into a thin powder. now, this is where you are going to be really careful. You need just about 3 g of this powder, mixed with 10 g of honey. A lot of this mixture does not go a long way. Swallow with a glass full of goats milk. But, as one does not have goats milk readily available, try using cows' milk. Soya milk is a definite no-no. You will have to drink three glasses of milk everyday for 15 days! But hey, you are getting rid of asthma for ever. Do not you think that this is well worth it?

Try out these natural remedies and ancient time-tested herbal recipes to cure your asthma problem right now!

Dueep Jyot Singh is a Management- turned IT Professional, with plenty of experience in the Marketing, Advertising, HRM and Financial fields of Management. She has written more than 5000 articles, for different websites, and companies out there. She has also been The Content Manager/ Web Administrator/Web designer for 250 websites, at one time. She is also interested in writing how- to articles, for different websites on the Internet. She is also a keen naturalist and herbalist, collecting ancient natural remedies for the past three decades from all over Asia.

Get to know all about more easy to implement natural remedies to cure asthma and beauty recipes at her website

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