Thursday, July 21, 2011

Staying Healthy And Staying Young

There are many ways to stay young. Many resort to

cosmetic surgery at the expense of several hundred

dollars. Some ingest medication designed to eliminate

free radicals in the bodies. Some even experiment with

different cosmetics and apply these on their skin,

face and other parts of their bodies, hoping to gain

the youthful benefits of staying young. However, these

are artificially done and may pose some side effects.

Staying healthy and staying young at the same time is

hard to achieve with these artificial means. Unless

one is fortunate enough to be gifted with youthful

genes, one is posed with this dilemma.

Nevertheless, there are natural, and risk free ways

for one to slow down the effects of aging on our

body’s systems. Believe it or not, some of these

pertain to the psychological effect of a person’s

disposition. Some of the studies conducted have

revealed that the individual’s outlook result to a

more youthful appearance.

Smile The Wrinkles Away

Smiling a lot at appropriate times are beneficial to

the individual as it projects an image of positive

outlook both for the self and for those whom the

person meets. Not only does a smile projects such

positive energy, but also allows the individual to

refrain from worrying too much, as compared to when a

frown or perplexed and anxious face is made.

Furthermore, a smile in practice does not distend the

skin on the forehead which would have caused and

increase the stress folds on the skin. This skin on

the forehead causes wrinkle flaps, and frowning or

worrying defines these folds every time an individual

practices otherwise.

Laugh The Problems Away

It may be said that laughter is the best medicine, and

actually holds some truth in it. In addition to the

positive perspective which a smile can project,

actually laughing at a problem deep inside can pep up

the psyche and increase the confidence level of the

person. By not seeing the problem as a burden but

rather as a challenge to conquer, the method in which

the solution is carried out requires less effort, less

energy, and therefore better efficiency in overall

body functioning.

Ever tried a sport such as ice skating for the first

time? The effects are similar wherein the stressor of

a problem is analogous to the pure and extended effort

of the skater to try and balance on the two blades. As

soon as the individual is able to get a hold of the

stressor and accepts it as it is, the numbing of the

foot is lessened because less amount of muscles are

now needed to maintain the same output of being able

to balance on the skating shoes.

Basically, being able to laugh off problems and

stressors promote the release of endorphins which

gives a sense of simple euphoria on the person, and

therefore promotes a healthy psychological state

Run Towards Your Opponent

Normally, passive people who have no desire to be

aggressive at things would tend to shy away at the

first sign of an aggressor. They would find other

means to go around an issue and avoid conflict while

still attaining resolution. Though the idea of

avoidance of conflict may seem to be good as a means

of staying healthy and staying young by disallowing

major stressors to affect the psycho-physiological

framework of a person, there is still the risk of the

stressor to actually follow from behind. This would

cause increased risk of psychological disturbance on

the part of the person, especially if the individual

has not totally resolved the main issue.

The only way to go around a problem is to go through

it. Facing a problem does not mean that the person has

to fight head on. The virtue of facing a problem and

laughing at it to signify confidence of self would be

more long lasting. Think of it this way. A little

sailboat is caught in a storm and the waves are quite

big. The only way to survive a big oncoming wave is to

charge and slice right through it. Trying to expose

the broadside and trying to outmaneuver such a wave

would easily topple the small sailboat then.

Whenever a rush to the opponents proves as a failure

on your part, you will still have several chances to

think about how to efficiently go through him. By

practicing facing of fears, one is able to have first

hand knowledge in handling with similar situations in

the future.

Staying healthy and staying young is a simple

psychological conditioning of a person to practice

looking at life as more than problems and obstacles

and instead as challenges and conquerable events to

feed the ego and soul of an individual. A healthy mind

should then be able to handle a healthy body properly.

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