Administering insulin every single day can be tough for diabetes sufferers, however, with a condition like this it's important that sufferers become used to administering the substance using the Insulin Sliding Scale. The procedure is very delicate and must be performed precisely. Insulin, however, doesn't just come in one form. Whilst the naturally occurring hormone must be injected in order to regulate the amount of glucose that is found in the bloodstream, insulin comes in different forms.
These different forms of insulin act in differing ways once they are injected into the bloodstream. As a diabetes sufferer, it's important that you know precisely what you're injecting into your body every day. Knowing and understanding your condition will allow you to continue injecting the right amount and kind of insulin into your bloodstream ever day. In order for the right amount to be injected every day, however, doctors and clinicians must keep an eye on blood sugar levels and what is being administered on a day-to-day basis. Hence, the sliding scale for insulin is an incredibly helpful tool.
Those who suffer from diabetes will use insulin to replace the natural version of the hormone that occurs in the body, that is no longer being secreted. The purpose of the hormone is to regulate the amount of sugar in the blood. This is to stop levels of blood sugar from becoming excessively high and causing potential damage to the body.
The sliding scale for insulin is there to help people with high blood sugar levels bring their blood glucose levels back down to a respectable scale. A doctor or clinician will specify a set range of instructions that must be associated with a series of your blood sugar readings.
Your doctor will ask you to monitor your blood glucose level at different points in the day, in order to form a basis of the required levels of insulin. Usually, it is more beneficial to measure the amount of sugar in your bloodstream after you have eaten a meal. The sugars in your blood that you will measure after eating a meal will be known as postprandial blood sugars, and these are usually the highest readings that you will come across during the day.
The results that you obtain throughout the day will allow you and your doctor to create a specific sliding scale for insulin, in order for you to determine the amount you require on a day-to-day basis. Furthermore, it will also allow you to find out whether you need short acting or ultra-short acting insulin in order to keep your blood sugar levels at a reasonable measure.
The insulin sliding scale is there to provide both flexibility and convenience to individuals who are suffering from diabetes. Any part of the sliding scale can be altered at any time, so long as your doctor is able to recommend and agree with you about a new sliding scale. You always need to ensure that you're receiving the right dose, hence, regular contact with your clinician or doctor about your condition is incredibly important.
Frank Franchini is the developer of the mobile application "Insulin On Board" for the iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. This popular application allows those with Type One or Type 2 diabetes can assist insulin users with maintaining their insulin sliding scale as recommended by their doctor. To learn more or download the application, go to
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