Sunday, July 31, 2011

Are Asthma Symptoms Taking Your Breath Away?

Asthma symptoms are quite common yet troubling.

You have probably witnessed a time when a child, while playing, is suddenly caught by a fit of coughing and wheezing, and employs the use of an inhaler to calm himself. What is it that the child might be dealing with? It may be that he or she is diagnosed with asthma, a common inflammatory disease of the airways. This chronic disease is found in all kinds of people, from young to old, and can require an extra set of tools and supplements to improve the quality of life for these people. Chances are, you know someone who is diagnosed with asthma, or are experiencing it for yourself. If that is the case, read on. This article will present a few basic things that you may need to understand about this condition and a natural solution that is helping many people.

It's true that most people with asthma will experience some kind of inflammation, airflow obstruction or bronchi spasms, which will induce wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, or even a tight feeling in the chest. These symptoms can be extremely uncomfortable-and even dangerous, if they are not dealt with quickly and correctly.

The cause of such a condition is probably a mixture of a number of factors, including heredity and the influence of the environment, especially during developmental stages. There are different levels of severity that have been observed, and all depend on these factors that were previously mentioned. The severity of the condition will also determine what kinds of medicines will be most effective in treatment. Most of the time, treatment of the symptoms mentioned above can be given through the inhalation of a quickly acting beta-2 agonist. That is something that you may see when a person uses an inhaler. There are many reports of getting great results with all natural solutions that help your body to reduce the inflammation.

However, in order to avoid some of the kinds of breathing attacks that occur with asthma, it is a good idea for the individual to try to avoid some of the triggers. This may include hard exercise, certain allergens (such as cat or dog allergens, dust mites, or certain plants), or any other irritant that serves to make the attacks worse. It is important to be aware of what things trigger these symptoms, so that they can be eliminated from the immediate environment of the individual.

Some of the ways to prevent asthma are the following: keeping the child in a clean and hygienic environment (this includes daycare;) limiting the amount of exposure to smoke that a child receives as an infant, as well as in the womb, and being aware of the possible allergens in your home and community.

This condition can be dealt with and reducing the inflammation that causes the symptoms seems to be effective. Continue to research the disease in order to understand it more fully find solutions that will work for you.

Many people are relieving their asthma and allergy symptoms by reducing their inflammation with an all natural product made from the Nopal Cactus Juice. Find out more by following this link on Nopalea

Ken Kinstle

Ezine Expert Author

Find out the Nopalea story here and please "Like" our Nopal Cactus Juice Facebook page

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